About Me

Hi, welcome to my personal website! I am currently an associate professor in the Department of Bridge Engineering at Tongji University, China. My research focuses on dynamic analysis, vibration control, and vibration-based assessments of long and slender structures including cables, bridges, and wind turbines. I am also interested in numerical methods for solving partial differential equations, particularly nonlinear wave-current interactions. I hold a bachelor’s degree and a PhD degree in Engineering from Tongji University. I visited Prof. Satish Nagarajaiah at Rice University for two years when I was a PhD student (09.2012 to 09.2014). I worked with Prof. Biswajit Basu at Trinity College Dublin for three years as a PostDoc. My research has been funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (three projects) and has been applied to the vibration control design of a number of long-span bridges, including the Sutong Bridge and the Chibi Bridge.

Find my profiles in Chinese (中文网页) at our civil engineering school, bridge engineering department, and the research group of strctural health monitoring and vbibration control.

Research Interests


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Selected publications

  1. Chen, L., Liu, Z., Nagarajaiah, S., Sun, L., Zhao, L., & Cui, W. (2022). Vibration mitigation of long-span bridges with damped outriggers. Engineering Structures, 271, 114873.
  2. Chen, L., Basu, B., & Martin, C. I. (2021). On rotational flows with discontinuous vorticity beneath steady water waves near stagnation. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 912. (ArXiv preprint)
  3. Chen, L., Nagarajaiah, S., & Sun, L. (2021). A unified analysis of negative stiffness dampers and inerter-based absorbers for multimode cable vibration control. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 494, 115814.
  4. Chen, L., Xu, Y., & Sun, L. (2021). A component mode synthesis method for reduced-order modeling of cable networks in cable-stayed bridges. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 491, 115769.
  5. Chen, L., Basu, B., & Nielsen, S. R. (2018). A coupled finite difference mooring dynamics model for floating offshore wind turbine analysis. Ocean Engineering, 162, 304-315.